In my first video blog post

I share how daunting the subject of ‘Self-Love’ is to me, and how I came across a handy workbook that uses the Tarot to find out ‘What do I love about myself?’
Below, I’ve outlined details that I’ve glossed over on the video.  I’ve written down all seven Tarot reflection entries for example.  Hope you enjoy!



Video banner graphic:

Biddy Tarot Community Self-Love ritual packet (Community account required to obtain the actual packet):


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This was a VERY tough task for me.  Here, I had to directly address  lifelong issues surrounding self-esteem and worthiness.  I was completely floored when I divined ‘Day 1’ and was very doubtful that subsequent days would reveal completely different things.  Man I was totally wrong there!


Some curiosities not on the video:

  1. I had drawn THREE Knights during this exercise, and THREE Sword cards.  I’ve just begun studying numerology, and the number three really seems to be one that reveals the stage when action is taken on previously made decisions.  Speaking of action, how about the Knights???  
  2. The ‘Air’ sign of the suit of Swords was a surprise too.  By and large, I feel myself to be more of a ‘Wands’ (fire sign) person, but obviously the Tarot is noting something I hadn’t thought about.  When reading the card messages though, everything really seemed to ‘fall in place’..    Whoah! 
  3. The single inverted ‘Knight of Wands’ gave me an elbow nudge for sure!  Looking back on my life, I’ve seen SO many instances where I SHOULD have turned away and moved on.  Relationships!  Home buying!  Careers!  Friends!  You name it, and I’ve paid a price in all these areas and more by NOT walking away.  FINALLY, I feel like I’m beginning to see the yellow flags when they appear..  🙂

Day 1   Card: Paige of Swords 

“I love that when I have an idea to accomplish something, I seem to take on the challenge even though I might not have any past experience.   I love that I’m able to do my research, gather my tools and materials, and go for it.”

I love that I seem to go after goals with a naïve positivity, which propels me farther than thought.  I love that I like to learn how to build or fix things, and how these tasks seem to give me a sense of self worth.”


Day 2   Card: Knight of Swords

“I love that I have a sense of duty.  When I have an opportunity to be a support for someone, I I will always put that person first.  I love that I enjoy being a ‘provider’, making my ‘family’ feel comfortable and safe.”


Day 3   Nine of Pentacles

“Deep down, I am confident about my achievements that has led me to where I am at. I am good with my career and financial status, regardless of what others may think.  I do not feel jilted anymore, because I’ve built back better in my life.  My Surroundings make me happy right here where I’m at!  :-)”


Day 4   Card: Knight of Cups

“I love that I place great importance in giving my best to others.  I am concerned about how others feel, and strive to help them feel better.  I love that I feel great knowing that I’ve made another person smile, and feel good too.”


Day 5   Card: Knight of Wands (reversed)


“I love that once I decide to pursue something or make a decision, I usually go “all in.”  I love that AI do not give -up easily, while staying on possible difficult courses.  Sometimes however, I am too determined and don’t know when to stop and walk away.  I suppose this is my next lesson?”


Day 6   Card: King of Swords

“I love that I think and process ideas and situations very deeply.  I find myself seeing things from more than one side, so I can make wiser decisions.  I love that I ‘Cross examine’ myself when I make a snap judgement to see of my response needs to be studied.”   


Day 7   Card: Six of Cups

“I love the fact that I have been able to take responsibility for my decisions, especially when they were not the best ones.  I love that I have been able to learn from my mistakes, and these lessons have helped me make who I am now.  I love that I have allowed myself to grow through pain.”


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